Relaxin' Jack Online Store is Open - Use the THP Coupon Code for a Deal

Through a little trial and error I have refined my shipping costs.  Now that I have that squared away I wanted to start up a thread on THP to see if anyone is interested in trying some of our products.  Please visit our web site to learn more and place an order.  Also feel free to private message me if you have any questions.  
If you are ordering our Habanero Heat use coupon code THP when you order a 5 oz bottle and get an 8 oz bottle for the same price.  My copacker ran out of 5 oz caps during our production run so I have a few cases of 8 oz bottles.  Coupon code will be valid while supplies last.
SadisticPeppers said:
Wow, awesome site, Husker!
Thanks SadisticPeppers!  We will be adding some content to the recipe and blog sections in the coming weeks.  Some video content will be added in as well.